måndag 26 augusti 2013



I honestly never thought I'd sit down and begin blogging again!  I thought I had written my last blogpost, and loved the thought of not having to do it again!  However I have come to realize that there are other ways to use this wonderful tool - so here I am again trying to blow some life back into a blog, that I thought was gone for good!

This is basically going to be about my WoD's and the work I am trying to do to get back in shape.  I will take it even further than I have before and include some film and some pictures of my workouts!  I have never done this before, but I know that I need to hold myself accountable for the work I do and the effort I put into it!

So here goes nothing!

My current goals are:

Backsquat:  3 x 150kg
Deadlift:    1 x 200kg
Shoulder press:  1 x 90kg

Snatch:   90kg
Clean and jerk: 120kg

These are by no means impressive goals, but they are mine - you set yours:-) I do have a bunch of injuries, but that is beside the point - the question is if I will reach these goals?

At the same time as I want to achieve these goals I am going to try to maintain and possibly improve my met-con capacity, so you are not going to be reading a blog about a 6 month strength bias, and then some pathetic attempt to get moving again!  Is this even possible?  I have no clue but I am going to give it a try!

The big question is if I can actually do this without also adding some of my very personal opinions about CrossFit and training into the blog as well, and the answer is NO!  I will most definitely be sharing my observations and thoughts on this blog!
Before I get started it is important to be perfectly clear about the fact that my opinions are mine, and mine alone, and do not in any way shape or form represent or reflect those of any person, company or organisation that I may, or may not be associated with!

Jeremiah 29:11

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